VIX:  constant measure of 1-month implied volatility of SPX Index options. 23 days and less than 37 days to the Friday SPX expiration are used to calculate the VIX Index. These SPX options are then weighted to yield a constant, 30-day measure of the expected volatility of the S&P 500 Index. VIX9D: estimates the expected …


Dream Flood of fast info in USA. Organise and simplify it into beauty and power like a concerto (25/1/20). Organise and simplify flood of fast info into beauty and power like a concerto B: I update my mental maps daily and evolve. I never stand still. // Nothing stays the same. Everything changes. Always. Forever. …

Pension hedge

Hedge just the stock component; see Word doc. USD105 as at 7/3/20 (out of USD126k total). USD77k is non Australasian, being 77%. Hedge 100% of stock (best), so USD105k Each platform shows the stock/foreign stock/fixed interest/cash breakdown, so simple math. Use ES as diversified, and not as volatile as Russell and Nasdaq. 80_300E AND V30 …