
Trading assistance

Keep yourfirstchild . org as the hosting uses it

Overall trading flow

Psych diary

#1: Don’t lose money (Buffett)

  • Takes longer to make money if have to make back what you lost.
  • Take everything into account including insight, and qualitative factors.
  • Don’t have random positions (tradfi or crypto) which aren’t part of a system.
  • Can lose money on shorts also if market rebounds.
  • Careful of scams, eg fake Knight War ICO site. Check URL and original Discord/Twitter channel. URL can be altered from what you click on! Safer to copy URL!
  • Only get links, and token and LP addresses from the official page or channel, linked from the official website, by an official poster. Even a PCS LP coin can be fake. Never interact with your wallet with any address which isn’t right – don’t even delete a coin, hide it. Do not respond to any DMs.
  • Trades are expensive over time. Trade crypto monthly or at most bi-weekly (I checked annualised actual trading costs). Plan your trades to the end before making them (10-21)
  • Quarterly check of broker stability. Keep up to date on Government plans on crypto.
Keep access to accounts with 2FA
  • G auth account security
    • Keep backup phone – factory reset, just use for authenticator.
    • Give backup phone number – family member
    • Keep G backup codes. Each can be used once (done). https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/1187538
  • If lose phone:
    • Sign out of G on the lost or stolen phone.
    • Change your Google Account password.

Alpha is excess supply and demand for longs, and XS supply for shorts

  • For DCF assume terminal value is in a dd/ss balanced situation, i.e. equilibrium multiple, and that XS dd or ss doesn’t continue.
  • Examine COT for futures, and cryptoquant.io analytics for blockchain – calendarized to every Saturday morning in GCal.
  • Crypto: 1) Study the industry, 2) Develop a written thesis: Indie games P2E – limited scope addictive loop (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qDsK_a9rcg), play the game. Ticketing. Txn processors. File storage. 3) Buy and hold until your theory becomes reality. B: Being AHEAD of major trends is the pathway to 1000X gains.


Screen for system changes daily in one place

  1. Daily:
    1. Screen for all system changes from V and factors in one Stockcharts list (set on Bookmarks bar)(this includes the LC and SP components of VHL), and oil backwardation.
    2. Exit BA then enter new BA trades.
  2. Weekly:
    1. Interest rates for FXCM
    2. Wednesdays: Crude stocks excl SPR on EIA site. See ‘4. Stocks of Crude Oil’, second column.
  3. Run V and C forecasts per “RDDn” below.
  4. Turn on/off system min/max weightings in RD, re-run for optimal weightings.
  5. Which voly to target? Change leverage so forecast voly for that combination of systems is 10% – per God 1/1/21 (i.e. 2nd tab of Hoadley file), rather than RD historical chart. RD is using forecast V per system for 21 days for the current allocations. The chart shows historical V, with constant allocation (while in reality I am changing allocations).
  6. Execute per the tables below and “Stick to your systems” below.

If: Large down day

Don’t lose money vs. SPY

  • Don’t be over or underexposed:
    • Check exposure net of hedging in Allocation Excel sheet – often can be greater than you estimate.
    • Smaller sizing gives lower return and DD – you get what you ask for.
  • Don’t trade too often: Selling and buying SPY every 10 days can lose 5% p.a. (or 7% p.a. on IGV) from friction and being out of market at the wrong time. Min 3 weeks, and don’t be out. If 0.05% slippage then min 4 weeks (WL).
  • Be in correct sector/size/countries (see SC ratio charts): IWM vs SPY vs QQQ // vs MCHI vs EWJ vs VGK vs ILF
  • Follow systems. Take every trade with the best execution method, for low and high VIX environments. (See ‘Stick to your systems’ and ‘Execution of large size changes’ below).
    • Examine distribution well before testing system. Stand back. 30 metre view. Autocorrel. Lagged correl. Factors.
    • Include correct slippage and comm in testing.
    • Test on correct security (eg not VIX for VIX ETF products in 2011).
  • Don’t shrink size in crashes and expand size in peaks unskilfully … follow tested RDD WL rebalance frequency testing (below). Similarly: Fear and FOMO … don’t sell in dips and buy at peaks.
  • Execute well so getting fills, and mainly buy after down days and v.v.
  • Have unrestricted leverage in account so can fully express systems. Use futures and options when I can.


RDDn is really another system over the top of the systems. Trade it as tested in WL with slippage and comm for frequency and change thresholds.

  • When to revise RDDynamic: If >5pt move (EMA5) after 3 wks (min hold 3 wks), or if >30 then 33% move up or 25% down (1/1.33). Never update just based on time else friction losses. Note EMA5(V) level of last update on chart in Stockcharts.
    • Stocks only, or AntiRD if f/c V changed by 33% up or 25% down.
  • RD is relative rather than absolute, so try to predict all variables, BUT: Only use a recent variable IF it is predictive, else using it could be worse than just using a long term average. Using recent V for BA is usually off-cycle with future V.

Stick to your systems

  • Reduce execution size risk.:
    • Change exposure a max face value of 10% of account size (actual after leverage), or 5% for volatile systems with leverage <0.75, such as volatility products (eg SVXY or VXZ), pension hedge and Beaten Down.
      • eg: PLM cut 10% to 0% allocation, equals c.17% of account to 0% after leverage. PLM system has leverage >=0.75 so do this in two days.
    • Can use Adaptive Algo (James does).
  • Psych = pleasure and pain:
    • FOMO: If you miss out, you miss out. Better than losing money. The key is to hit lots of singles and eliminate mistakes (James).
    • Selling to take profits (eg VIX in 02-2020): It may go down. It may also go up. I don’t know (James). Extensive backtesting should use more market related data than my feelings today.
      • I may hold and it goes down. You may also roll a dice 6x and get 6 more than once. It is random.
      • If profit as a percentage is larger than historical distribution then take it:
        • Sell all or half; or if volatility is low then buy put, or sell underlying and buy call.
    • Risk of position being too large (eg VIX in 02-2020):
      • See execution risk above.
      • If your sizing is too small, you won’t make the gains your backtesting shows.
  • Your systems are usually smarter than you are” (RB, and James agreed). They have been tested on lots of data over >10 years in up and down markets.


  • The market has bids and asks. The close or last price doesn’t exist any more – it is historical even if one second old. I am a master of buying at the bid and selling at the ask.
  • Little spread losses make a BIG difference over time.
  • Gain from execution timing:
    • Buying at close after down day and shorting after up day is about 1% p.a. better if do 12x per year. Not for currencies – which trend more ST. Need some discretion based on news flow as doesn’t always work.Tested L5Y and 1-07 to 09-20 (WL- same exit date to ensure same trade count).
  • Avoid or reduce exercise and delivery risk: Don’t trade if couldn’t handle exercise of options or delivery of futures. Don’t leg in or out of futures spreads.

Execution of large size changes

  • For CL +1 IF up day: Cancel AtClose order in morning if market not up (Conditional order for MOC orders not currently possible on IB).
  • For replacement trades (eg 2WK) do at same time, else can be double leveraged or have zero position all day.

Main questions

  • Crypto systems
  • Trade <= date for 2W and RD vol as forecast is for period.
  • If wrong trade or size, get out immediately. Don’t wait for down/up day.
  • Don’t enter on U.S. holidays. Entered BA on holiday (Mon), and left for next day (Tue). Was using stale Close data (from Thurs), as the last day’s Close (Fri) isn’t put into IB until the next trading day is about to open (01-20).
  • Set the LMT for REL orders 4% away from current, for liquid stocks, but 8% away for volatile stocks but MUST make sure only executes in normal trading session and near open and close when more volume. Why? To ensure fill.
  • REL orders in volatile market for diversifying risk exposure trades such as Anti-RD system and 2W system. LMT order for AGG and XLP both missed three days in a row in February 2020.

What if LMT orders not hit two (2) days in a row?

  • If LMT order(s) not hit 2 days in a row (adjusting each day) MUST re do calculations.
  • MRC entry: If LMTNBB not hit for three (3) days, adjusting each day, then leave as GTC for 3 weeks or until trade is close to ending. If not filled, not filled.
  • MRC exit: If LMT mid not exited, then exit REL+MKT next day when the market is open.


Data: http://vixcentral.com/

Trading Structure

  • Inspired by research Value and Momentum Everywhere: https://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~lpederse/papers/ValMomEverywhere.pdf
  • Enter/exit security / order type / size daily as tested, unless untested situation (Eg Sep11). Check trade levels and size match your testing platform, e.g. compare Excel to WL. Essential.
  • Always enter at lower LMT to buy, higher LMT to sell, or REL order.
  • Mindmaps printed in clear folder so no complexity excuse (eg for BA).
  • Clear FX balances. Know when to apply the rules, and know when to break them (Seykota).
  • Only break them if reduces risk, not adds to it.
  • Check excess cash. Put in bonds: VCSH (1-3 yr corp) normally better. Crashes and rate risk: SHY (Govt).
  • Good systems sometimes go bad. Don’t get married to a system, anyone’s system (MRC system 2018) // 1. Fear causes a retesting of the system, not abandonment. If the testing is statistically significant, act on it, trust it, else by definition will be doing something not maximal. Gut feel can be wrong, particularly w money (W Coast 10-18).
  • New systems at half size as improve them.
  • Never be over-sized, even intraday such as for election, as broker platform can crash (IB did 8-12-20)

Trade cheapest security (link)

Roll futures before closeout period

Roll in regular trading hours (morning) manually, unless spread looks accurate.

BA specific risks

Audit monthly (in G calendar):

  1. Download trades from IB.
  2. Do dataset of those stocks in WL, get unadjusted price data, and run script.
  3. Download trade list from WL.
  4. Use Vlookup for opening and closing trades separately, per security and date (concatenate security and date for lookup key).
  5. Compare fills in Excel.
  6. Compare comm as % and cps (must use absolute value for number of shares traded).

Daily: 1. Check fills (time taken as guide to liquidity). 2. MUST SET SELL ORDERS EACH NIGHT! DO BEFORE NEW ORDERS SO DON’T FORGET

Check account liquidity if increase BA size, so no margin calls.

Check if security is closed trading for the day before LMTCL order.

Note that Close data usually updated by IB after holidays, so wait to pre-market before submitting trades.

VIX Term Structure


Fair value calculator for S&P futures, plus best collateral

FV Calculator and collateral analysis.

S&P500 best collateral: IEF, fully collateralised (assuming not in a European retail account which can’t trade US ETFs). Negatively correlated. See G Sheets.

Risk acceptance (Trading in the Zone)

For BA: Max consecutive days unprofitable: 6 (up to 50 in a row profitable!). 64% of days are profitable. Worst daily return: -6.6%. Average daily return 0.13%. Can lose 4 weeks or 3 months in a row.

BA is not a perfect system. No system is.

For MRC: Can lose 5 weeks or 5 months in a row. Worst monthly return: -10%.



Equity graph:

Interest rate decision days

Option deltas (link)


  • VIX:  constant measure of 1-month implied volatility of SPX Index options. 23 days and less than 37 days to the Friday SPX expiration are used to calculate the VIX Index. These SPX options are then weighted to yield a constant, 30-day measure of the expected volatility of the S&P 500 Index.
  • VIX9D: estimates the expected 9-day volatility of S&P 500 stock returns. Derived by applying the VIX algorithm to SPX options, but it uses SPX options with expiration dates that bracket a nine-day period of time. VSTN and VSTF are variations of VIX9D that estimate the expected volatility of S&P 500 stock returns from the near term and far term SPX option series used to calculate VIX9D.
  • VIX3M: constant measure of 3-month implied volatility of SPX Index options. Different from 3mth VXM futures as futures are for VIX in 3 months, not average over 3 months.
  • VIX6M: constant measure of 6-month implied volatility of SPX Index options. Different from 6mth VXM futures as futures are for VIX in 6 months, not average over 6 months.
  • VIX options: $100 per point. 0.01 tick<$3. Expires Wednesdays. 930am to 415pm US EST, with global hours 8.15pm to 915am, with VIX calculated 315am to 915am and 930am to 415pm. Settlement based on VIX.
  • VIX mini futures (VXM):  $100 per point. 0.01 tick. 930am to 4pm US EST. LMT orders allowed 4pm to 5pm (then 1 hr break) and 6pm to 930am. Trading hours for expiring VXM futures contracts end at 9am US EST on the final settlement date. Settlement value is SOQ of VIX on futures expiry date. Cash settlement on the business day immediately following the settlement date.

How make money: Futures and options vs VIX, as they settle at VIX (VIX9d is irrelevant), potentially with VIX trend filter (VIX9d vs VIX or VIX EMA) or futures trend filter (VXX EMA).

  1. Short future if VIX is below futures price (contango) (VIX<VIX3M can be a guide) AND trend of VIX (eg VIX9D<VIX) or VXX (futures) is up: VPN system with VIX/VIX3M<1
  2. Long future if VIX > futures price (backwardation) (VIX>VIX3M and VIX>VIX6M can be a guide) and trend of VIX (eg VIX9D<VIX) or VXX (futures) is up: VIXM spike system, with EMA(VIXM) exit.
  3. Long option if VIX raised (25-40) and trend – potential for more and ideally VVIX is low (cheap options).

OCI: Optimal compound investing


Buffett and the Intelligent Investor’s approach still works. Bill Ackman read the latter. It is based on growth and value.


Buffett and Ben Graham

  • #1: Margin of safety.
  • #2: If Mr Market offers a price below value, take it. If he offers a price above value, either hold or sell.
  • #3: Mindset: Owning part of a company – don’t mind if market closes for a year. If you don’t want to own it for 20 years, don’t own it for 10 minutes.
  • Not many opportunities in life or investing (maybe 1 a year) so take them fully – it makes all the difference (Munger and Soros).
  • Value based on DCF, whether bonds or stocks, growth stock or not, smooth earnings or volatile. Buy if price << value. The margin of safety is critical.
    • Earnings outlook: Buy part interests in easily understandable businesses whose earnings are virtually certain to be materially higher five years from now.
Ackman’s 8 principles:
  • Simple predictable free cash flows.
    • Dominant companies with large barriers to entry.
    • High returns on capital.
    • Limited exposure to extrinsic risk we can’t control.
  • Strong balance sheets – low debt.
    • Don’t need access to capital to survive – has cash or cashflow.
  • Have excellent management.
    • Good governance.


  • Amortisation shouldn’t be deducted as generally goodwill increases in reality, and if business is sold will be higher in a good business. Depreciation should DEFINITELY be deducted – deduct the LTM amount as prior amounts aren’t relevant. For cashflow, add depreciation back to net income, and deduct capex. He uses the last few years’ average capex.
  • Companies with high cash return/equity gain over time due to retained earnings (more specifically cash, and how it is reinvested). Alternatively it is paid out in dividends or share buybacks (e.g. for Coke, which can’t reinvest all its profits).

Real returns for bonds better than stocks only when lowest inflation, both have real losses in highest inflation

CS Yrbook 2021



Flood of fast info in USA. Organise and simplify it into beauty and power like a concerto (25/1/20).

Organise and simplify flood of fast info into beauty and power like a concerto

B: I update my mental maps daily and evolve. I never stand still. // Nothing stays the same. Everything changes. Always. Forever.

Info coming in: Review 1x/day – evening.
  1. Twitter (curated feed. Follow who the top practitioners follow and who adds value)
  2. Telegram anncmt channels (official ones)
  3. Discord anncmts.
  4. Top movers and trends on Coinmarketcap.com
  5. For PCVs, claim and autostake daily. After mint fully redeemed (5d), compare staking to ‘minting and claiming’ to decide on the next 5 days and calendarise the next review: Calculator
  6. Weekly on chain analysis: Cryptoquant
How review it?
  1. Scan the info.
  2. See/hear ss/dd imbalances immediately.
    1. Write exit plan.
      1. Make crypto trades with monthly or at least bi-weekly holds (I checked annualised actual trading costs – expensive when compounded). Plan your trades to the end before making them (10-21)
    1. Size the oppo (35% of Kelly) in Crypto GSheets. Consider total exposure and correlations.
    2. Enter lmt+tick. Wait 30sec dep on market speed then cross spread. Automate exit plan, ideally.
  3. If need to research more, put as task on Todoist if not urgent, else G Calendar if urgent. Do now if super urgent.

Always use checklist for coins and Defi

  • Checklist: https://trello.com/b/bAofJElS/crypto-trading
  • Do you believe your HODLs add value to and can change the world? No-> Sell for ETH. Yes –> Hold and DCA.
  • Don’t buy pumps. BE EARLY!
  • With Defi, maintain your share of the cashflow i.e. rewards must out-weigh coin dilution (Calculator Guy, Ad Infinitum)

Finding LPs

Execution of Hedged Leveraged Defi

  1. Review bookmark list of sites (sites chosen from analysis on Defillamad and typed in Crypto GSheets)
    1. Yield – annual Perp funding = total yield.
    2. Require ‘yield > (1 – issued/total, that will be the price decline from inflation)’ so maintain share of the cashflow (Ad Infinitum).
  2. Always borrow the stablecoin, not the main coin! (else short the main coin!)
    1. Can see the effects of this in this calculator.
  3. Only do 2x leverage (50% debt), else too much value destruction in price decline.
    1. Only leverage an LP if it is hedged, as IL becomes massive in leveraged LPs (see calculator) cell K129 area
  4. Make sure you are not liquidated! 
    1. Check debt level every 3 days and after large price drops: Buffer>30%
  5. Dynamic hedging every 3 days and after big move
    1. Adjust hedge # when # coins change – check ever: Within 10% threshold
  6. Check net yield including perp payments every 3 days
    1. Use tool from Max, with the yields pasted into my Excel sheet: Substantially > 20% and better than alternatives

Execution of Unhedged UnLeveraged Defi

  1. Extremely high yield ‘risky asset + stablecoin LPs: yield > 250%
    1. If price of risky asset in an LP drops 90%, the LP doesn’t, it drops to 32%, as it is half stable coin
      1. The yield is multiplied by the asset value (32% of original). See Calculator above.
    2. If yield > 250% then only lose if risky asset drops MORE THAN 90%.
    3. Entry: Check yield and tokenomics potential dilution (put that in GSheets)
    4. Exit:
      1. Hold for a year
      2. Watch watchlist in Coinmarketcap to see if goes below 90% from entry – if so, then exit. 
      3. Exit if yield drops below 250%.
    5. Sizing: Wtd EV ~0.2 (proxy by 0.5 W, 1.4:1 payoff)
    6. Only leverage an LP if it is hedged, as IL becomes massive in leveraged LPs (see calculator) cell K129 area.
  1. Don’t do: Extremely high yield pairs which are correlated – NO! Correlation is fleeting and massive swings possible (AVAX/FTM in 2H21).


  1. Trend (3Commas): List of coins
    1. Daily trend
      1. Portfolio multi symbol with 3Commas
      2. MVIS25 index Perp on FTX with 3Commas (two DCh systems). Check perpetual payments on FTX
    2. ST trend (no longer)
  2. 3 month breakout on TV
    1. TV screener
  3. HODL
  4. Short: automated in 3C
    1. Daily: BTC,ETH,MATIC; EMA85 + MACDhist condition
  5. Defi
    1. Defi
      1. For PCVs, trade based on discount to Treasury Value as the APY is dilutive (Bludex’s reviews in Medium) and compare staking to ‘minting and claiming’ ev 5 days or after claiming ended, so not diluted: Calculator
    1. Defi document
      1. R code
      2. R result
      3. Excel
  6. ICOs and NFTs (do WEIT to buy wholesale and sell retail)
    1. GDoc
    2. GSheet

Other links

Defi – the key is ss and dd like for all other alpha, and low IL

  • Net demand for trading on an LP gives trading volume which gives fees
    1. Utility for a coin
    2. Choose the highest volume platform as that is where most people go, by definition.
    3. Choose the best LP on a platform – look at trading volume again.
    4. Low supply of alternative trading locations: 
      1. No major CEXs for a coin. A small CEX is fine as people won’t be bothered with the account setup.
      2. Not many other DEXs
  • Low IL
    1. Defi or all-in, given impermanent loss? A: IF expected return > 200% probably better All-In. ELSE if yield above 60% probably better in LP as it counteracts IL. See chart below:
  • Source: https://solfarm.medium.com/solfarmers-education-leveraged-yield-farming-369be98e7acc

Healthy psych

“First, the only certainty is that there is no certainty. Second, every decision, as a consequence, is a matter of weighing probabilities. Third, despite uncertainty we must decide and we must act. And lastly, we need to judge decisions not only on the results, but on how they were made.”
Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin to University of Pennsylvania Commencement, 1999

“Lever up all the things in risk parity, hedge, and trade some alphas if you can.”

“Lever up all the things in risk parity, hedge, and trade some alphas if you can.” (James Hodge’s philosophy, to me 15/11/20, after he made 52% in 11 months).

Risk Premia harvesting and alpha. Keep alpha separate and smaller (James).
– Make decisions based on how confident we are in various effects. We should always be less confident in alpha than in long run asset class risk premia.
– When write off alpha? If an effect has failed to show up in the data for a third of the period it did work (James).

Think long term, and focus on what’s best for the client

Alex Becker’s advice re business. I thought long term from early 20s to mid 30s – worked for me..

Inventory – trading is buying and selling/shorting of inventory

All trading is buying and selling/shorting of inventory. Create systems based on this. Never turn a scalp into a swing and vice versa else maths breaks down.

Repeatedly ask yourself the following three questions:
1. What position do I want on? (delta (selection) and vega)
2. What position do I have on?
3. What’s the appropriate way to bring 2) closer to 1), given the costs of trading?
If “managing” the position has become hard, it may be because it’s not really the position you want anyway (James).

Source: Dream 13/10/20, guy on RW re: psych, James on RW

It IS possible to love your life and love your job every day

Buffett: “I tap dance to work every day.” “‘Take the job you would take if you were independently wealthy. You’re going to do well at it.” “There comes a time when you ought to start doing what you want. Take a job that you love. You will jump out of bed in the morning. I think you are out of your mind if you keep taking jobs that you don’t like because you think it will look good on your resume. Isn’t that a little like saving up sex for your old age?”

Elon Musk


Joe Rogan


  1. Backblaze: auto
  2. Dropbox: After each file change, manually. Annual fee.
  3. Evernote: For MVO, RD, daily trading sheet, R scripts and Word docs. Also WL code. Manual.
  4. Hard Drive: Quarterly, in G Calendar
  5. Website backup: Auto, plus manual after large change. Sent to Dropbox automatically.

Don’t lose money; Make money in crashes

  1. Drawdown is from the peak – always know your highs! (Google Sheets)
    • …not from your mental set point/investment level. The account value is yours.
  2. On or off?
    • VIX and contango thresholds on systems and stocks to start or stop them – follow it! Based on testing
  3. Resize and re-correlate: When VIX>40 MUST resize and re-correlate based on:
    • Volatility: Current 20d voly: Using long term averages or predictions will cause positions to be too large
    • Correlation: Current correlation: 20d and 40d weights but only 33% LT after scaling; so much more weighted to recent.
    • Resize FXCM positions based on 1/(31d voly/LT vol.) – don’t separately as not included in RD.
  4. Follow systems! Don’t get emotional about stocks.
    • Put trades on even if like a stock, like an ASX PLM stock. Money is money – it is fungible. You can always get back in.
    • If I had followed my systems I would have broken even in a massive crash: The three cases this month relate to fear and over-confidence. Emotions are massive in trading:
      • I had fear my VXZ long position would be too large, and it could fall if the market corrects. So I only put on 2/3 size. Well, the price basically doubled and I left a lot on the table.
      • I had fear and took off a long VIX call position I bought at 15 VIX when VIX hit 40. If I had held until 7 days before expiry (which was my system) I would have made US12,000 more.
      • I had over-confidence my PLM stocks would be solid, so I didn’t hedge/sell when I should have.
  5. Be net long always: Always know long / short net position (Excel) including negatively correlated things like VXZ
    • Calculate accurate recent betas in Excel.
    • If you like money then cautious optimism must always be your default state. CSFB Yearbook – long term equity returns. People got stuck bearish from 2008 for 12 years…. You need a lot of evidence the market has mispriced things to hold on to a bearish thesis. Markets are forward looking. Markets bottom on the ugliest forward expectations (James).
    • Do basic DCF on revenue reduction; see effect on NPV of FCF.
  6. Hedge
    • Use MES futures to hedge if need to act fast, eg vs PLM stocks
      • If LMT orders in illiquid markets (PLM) use short MES to hedge until orders filled.
    • VXZ is a brilliant hedge – the best. TLT is OK
      • It has both backwardation and high VIX on its side. It went up consistently.
      • TLT is OK but it broke down as so many constituents to price, and also yield became 0.
    • Don’t take profits on short hedges too early – you don’t know how far it will go
      • OTM 7delta VIX options would have made US$12k but I sold them at VIX=40 (VIX went to 70)
  7. WHEN THINGS BREAK DOWN – GET INTO VGSH OR CASH! Things may change, adapt
    • A takeover offer will cease in a crisis. Sell takeover stocks before they do, eg NSR.ASX
    • Bond ETFs may go up so much that they start to dislocate internally from pricing disparities (TLT, BND:AGG)
  • Corporate bonds may collapse as large companies expected to go bust (LQD).
  • Oil may drop 30% in a day as Saudi Arabian and Russian talks break down (03-20).
  • A currency can swing 10% each way. Europe was safe, then got hit with coronavirus

8. VXX has a lot of contango, but VXZ holds up very well with good hedging and little contango, even after 50% SPY COVID19 recovery 1H20.

Robustness of RD

Bond and equity return factors, multiplied by beta for BA (beta to QQQ) and AntiRD (to bond index), and SPYSTR factor.

  • Bond factor applied to: TMF, the UBT (bond) part of SSOUBT, and AntiRD.
  • Equity factor applied to: BullmktUSA, PLM, the SSO (equity) part of SSOUBT and BA.

Alpha factor: Assume 50% chance of 1/3 decline per year = 83.3% (5/6). Applied to MRC, BA, SPYSTR, TMFseas returns.

Testing return robustness
  • No PLM or Bull mkt: Gave 21% GPR, 8% DD, 2.3 Sh. Allocation mainly goes to AntiRD and SPYSTR, 3% goes to low vol.
  • Reduced MRC, PLM, Bullmkt and TMF by 5% p.a. and BA by 10% p.a from 2007-2020: I didn’t change the allocation, and left leverage at 180%.
    • Those are the five largest systems and have 70% of the total allocation.
    • Result: GPR: 18%, 11% DD, 1.8 Sharpe. Only 1 losing year, by 2% in 2018.

Pension hedge

Hedge just the stock component; see Word doc. USD105 as at 7/3/20 (out of USD126k total). USD77k is non Australasian, being 77%. Hedge 100% of stock (best), so USD105k

Each platform shows the stock/foreign stock/fixed interest/cash breakdown, so simple math.

Use ES as diversified, and not as volatile as Russell and Nasdaq.

80_300E AND V30 for entries and exits. Ensemble: Half entry at MKT+1, half at MKT+6.

Daily chart check. LP account. Separate accounting.